Book Recommendations:
I've just discovered a new author I'm really enjoying. Joe R. Landsdale. I'm reading Cold in July which is awesome thus far. Check him out.

Good Reading,
Lance Storm

Unfortunately I've shut down Book Marks.
Enrollment and reader involvement has been dropping off gradually over the last year or two and it's gotten to the point where there doesn't seem to be enough interest to warrant the amount of work involved.

I started Book Marks 9 years ago and while being a ton of work, it has also been a true pleasure. I've discovered a ton of great new authors through the club as well as made some really good friends. I've become friends with many of the authors we've featured in the club as well as several of you readers who have taken part.

As a group we've read 38 books spanning 31 different authors, and only one of which I didn't have personal contact with. Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)had passed away by the time we read his classic tale. Every other author knew about their involvement in the club and was happy to be a part of it. Of those 30 participating authors only two failed to deliver and stood us up: G.M. Ford (Black River) and Adam Copeland (On Edge). Everyone else came through and to those I say thank you.

Thank you for taking part in Book Marks with me and making it special. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the club and your contributions to the world of literature. If we created even one new reader we were a success.

I hope to get all past Book Responses reposted by the end of the year. I took them down at one point due to bandwidth issues on my site, which have since been fixed. I plan to still post book recommendations on the site and hope to continue to hear from some of you more loyal Book Marks. Thanks to everyone who took part.

Good Reading Everyone,